Why I wrote the book
This book falls under the category of Apologetics. Apologetics is a branch of Christian theology that seeks to address the obstacles that keep people from taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ seriously. In short, it is a defense against the assaults directed at the Christian faith. So to the question why did I write the book and also why should anyone engage in Apologetics? I have a few bullet points to answer that question.
I. The bible commands it
II. The culture demands it
III. The church needs it
IV. The reality of our times confirms the need for it
1 Peter 3:15 “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you with gentleness and respect.” In the Greek the word translated as ‘defense’ in English comes from the Greek word Apologia – and this is where we get the word Apologetics. So when we engage in Apologetics as believers; and in my case writing the book, it is because we are instructed to do it by the bible.
Jesus Himself declared that the greatest commandment was to “Love the Lord your God” with the entirety of our being including our MINDS (Matthew 22:37).
Apologetics is crucial to both the health and witness of the church. It is therefore, a serious mistake for followers of Jesus to ignore it. We need apologetics because it will help Christians know their faith, a fact which is sadly lacking among believers. Most don’t know much about their faith let alone explaining the Trinity or the difference between Holiness and Righteousness. Paul demonstrated practical application of apologetics when he “reasoned from the scriptures” when in discussion with the Jews about the identity of Christ (Acts 17:2-3).
In the media and culture, a very negative image of the church and Christian faith has been spread thanks to some televangelists and their sexual as well as monetary scandals. The Roman Catholic with its scandals involving priests hasn’t helped either. Furthermore, the media is biased against Christianity and is constantly promoting bad news and malevolent opinions against Christianity. Thus there’s a need for apologists who will defend the truth.
2 Cor 10: 4-5 says “The weapons we fight with are not carnal, but mighty through God to demolish strongholds. Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ”. Strongholds are built in the mind of people including believers; yet there are those within the church who believe that apologetics is reserved for a select minority among the elect – that it is just for those with a questioning mind or for the intellectual elite. But nothing could be further from the truth. The fall of mankind arose not because of demon possession or illness. It came about by Satan planting an idea in Adam and Eve’s minds. The deception was that we could become gods by eating the fruit. And since that time, humanity has been doing the bidding for the devil. The battlefield has been in the mind. Wrong believing leads to wrong living. Apologetics is needed because there is an ever present threat of apostasy within the church of Jesus Christ.
III. The Reality of our times confirms the need for it
There are many false teachings going out against Christianity. The Jehovah's Witnesses teach that there is no Trinity, that Jesus is Michael the Archangel, that there is no hell, and that only 144,000 people will go to heaven. Atheism denies God's existence, openly attacks Christianity, and is gaining ground in public life and schools. Islam teaches that Jesus was not God in flesh, that Jesus did not rise from the dead, and that He did not atone for our sins.
The rise of immorality in South Africa is a threat not only to society but also to Christianity. This is a serious issue because when a society’s morals fail the society fails. Just look at the corruption in our country- in almost every area of life but more especially amongst our leaders. And if you go back in history, think of ancient Rome, Ancient Greece or present day Enron, Watergate and the Whitehouse Bill Clinton and Monika Lewinsky scandals.
Finally apologetics is needed because our institutions of learning are largely hostile towards Christianity. Schools and universities, particularly the secular ones, have become breeding grounds for Atheists. Children who are raised in religious families go to university (most varsities are irreligious nowadays) and come back de-converted The fact is that Christianity is under attack in the world, and we need to fight the good fight of the faith without shrinking back. We need apologetics to give rational, intelligent, and relevant explanations of Christian viability to the critics and the prejudiced who would seek to undermine the teachings of our Lord Jesus. If there was ever a time that apologetics is needed, it is now and my book, BIBLE CONTROVERSIES UNPACKED, answers some of the issues raised herein.
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