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That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done, And there is nothing new under the sun. Ecclesiastes 1:9

The word of God started in the middle east and from there it spread to Africa and Asia and then into what is now Europe. Then for a significant part of history, Europe was key to the rapid diffusion of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. What I find very concerning and of major interest with regards to Europe is the fact that the headquarters of the European Union today, is built in the shape of the Tower of Babel of Genesis eleven. Why does this concern me you ask? Because the very act of constructing a building like the tower of Babel, whose motivation was evil, is an act that's loaded with spiritual undertones. It's like a Muslim country building a monument commemorating the death of the terrorists of 9/11. That is how God looks at it and as believers that is how we should be viewing it, through the lenses of the bible. It is in fact a harbinger. And what is a harbinger?

An artist's impression of the Tower of Babel on the left. On the right The European Union Parliament A modern day version of the Tower of Babel.

The oxford dictionary defines it as; A person or a thing that announces or signals the approach of another. A sign, a signal, an indicator. In this case we will be looking at prophetic signs that appeared in ancient Israel warning of destruction because the nation had chosen to turn away from the God of its foundation. The God who had blessed it. It will be important for me to lay a foundation that will reveal how the Tower of Babel in ancient Israel is supernaturally linked to the Tower of Babel of modern day Europe. And in order to do that I must take you back to ancient Israel, compare it with America and then illustrate how Europe is following the exact pattern. There were nine harbingers that appeared in Israel before its ultimate destruction by the Babylonians under King Nebuchadnezzar. Because of time I will only focus on two. But note that if these things were true for Israel, they would be true for America as well because the two nations are spiritually connected.

The first harbinger

In my blog, the Spiritual Connection Between America And Israel ( , I show how America is a modern day Israel. I demonstrate how the lives of ancient Israelite leaders such as King Ahab and Queen Jezebel provide a template that would be replicated by modern leaders such as Bill and Hillary Clinton. It is eerie how the latter’s lives, their terms in office and even their scandals match those of their prototypes in the bible. (Take time to read the blog) Israel is the model or pattern for good or evil. What occurred in Israel can and has been repeated in modern America. Israel and America have a spiritual umbilical cord that releases blessings on both nations for obedience. Likewise, this same lifeline can unleash ‘curses’ for their unbelief or because they turn away from God.

So, before Israel’s first destruction it received warnings or shakings from God which were meant to get her to repent and get back in alignment with God. What were the harbingers or signs? The first harbinger was the removal of Israel’s wall of protection and it happened around 732 BC with the attack of the Assyrians. Yet after that warning Israel did not repent or turn back to God. On the contrary the nation showed defiance, arrogance and pride in the face of the God who had blessed it. Look at Isaiah 9 v 8-12;

"The Lord sent a word against Jacob, And it has fallen on Israel. All the people will know—Ephraim and the inhabitants of Samaria—Who say in pride and arrogance of heart:10 “The bricks have fallen down ,But we will rebuild with hewn stones; The sycamores are cut down, But we will replace them with cedars.”11 Therefore the Lord shall set up the adversaries of Rezin against him, And spur his enemies on,12 The Syrians before and the Philistines behind; And they shall devour Israel with an open mouth. For all this His anger is not turned away, But His hand is[a]stretched out still."

Israel made a vow of defiance which would then set the course for the nation’s judgment. The nation swore to rebuild the demolished and fallen walls, buildings and houses. And they said they would come back better and stronger. For this harbinger to appear in America, first there would have to be a warning as was the case in ancient Israel. Secondly, the same words of defiance uttered by the leaders of Israel would have to be uttered by the leaders of America. Did a warning occur in America? Yes indeed there was a warning on 11th September 2001. And did America repent? No. The nation drifted farther away from God, there was no repentance, no revival and no return to God. And in a sinister kind of way the same words of dissent and resistance spoken by the leaders of ancient Israel were repeated by the leaders of America.

Isaiah 9 v 10 ““The bricks have fallen down, But we will rebuild”.

The words “we will rebuild” became the centre of the defiant vow. And the implication; we will rebuild bigger, better and stronger than before. They were going to show God and man that they would not be humbled. But the problem is rebuilding without God is a sign of pride and arrogance. The tower of ground zero is a symbol of defiance. It was proclaimed soon after the attack from the United States Senate. Senator John Kerry would utter the very words that typify the nation’s defiance. The Septuagint is the Hebrew old testament translated into Greek. The Jewish rabbis who translated it did something very interesting when they came to Isaiah 9 verse 10. They translated it in the following words;

“---the bricks have fallen Come let us build for ourselves a tower”

And indeed from the ruins of ground zero a tower was built. And the tower is a symbol of America. But where did the rabbis get the phrase “come let us build for ourselves a tower” from? Genesis eleven. It is Genesis eleven that speaks of a famous tower; the Tower of Babel. The most colossal of all harbingers and the most colossal sign of defiance ever erected on US soil.

Where the twin towers once stood is the new One World Trade Centre at Ground Zero.

Second harbinger

The Stone of Judgement

The Hebrew word for hewn stone is Gazit. This refers to a huge rectangular stone quarry. These stones were used in ancient times to build stronger buildings than those from plain bricks. Ancient Israel begins to rebuild what has been destroyed in the attack with hewn stone in the place of clay bricks. The Gazit stone becomes another national symbol of defiance. For this harbinger to manifest in America the stone of judgment would have to appear in America and be linked to 9/11. After 9/11, the people of New York go up to the mountains of New York to do a specific act. They went out to quarry out a stone. A biblical Gazit stone of 20 tons. According to the ancient mystery the stone has to be taken to the ground of destruction. So it was brought to New York City and installed at Ground Zero.

(Please remember none of these people is reading the bible in order to implement these steps that follow the patterns of ancient Israel. And this points to spiritual connotations at play in all of this) Ephesians 6 v 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of [c]the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

The Fulfilment of Bible Prophecy. The Gazit stone at Ground Zero

A ceremony was held around the stone and it was made into a symbol of defiance. American leaders gathered around the stone. They pronounced vows of defiance that the stone would become a symbol that America was going to come back stronger than before. The scary thing is this; the Governor of New York City said these words; “we are laying this stone in the spirit of defiance”. The Gazit stone, the harbinger of a nation in danger of judgment manifested in America on July 4, 2004, at the sight of 9/11. That is serious food for thought my friends and strongly underlines that we are living in the end-times.

Europe and the Woman Riding the beast

The European parliament in Strasburg, Belgium is built like the tower of Babel as mentioned above. This alone should be frightening enough for those who are unsaved and don't know the bible. Yet is should fill the believer with hope. But what is more intriguing, even shocking is that outside those headquarters in Strasburg is a statue of a woman riding a beast. This is found in Revelation 17 v 7.


Then the angel said to me: "Why are you astonished? I will explain to you the mystery of the woman and of the beast she rides, which has the seven heads and ten horns.

Where does the name Europe come from? It comes from the Phoenician word Erob which means where the sun sets. It is also the Greek word for ‘shoreline’ or land of the setting sun as borrowed from the Phoenicians. It gets adopted by the Greeks and somehow evolves into Europa, a goddess or princess in Greek mythology. The story goes that the Greek god Zeus saw this beautiful princess and was totally mesmerized by her and disguised himself as a white bull. The princesses’ name is Europa. She is equally enchanted by the white bull and she climbs on his back and he takes off with her and subsequently seduces her. It is from this story that Europe derives its name. From princess Europa referred to in the bible as a harlot.

The scriptures prophesy that in the end times there will be a civilization marked by godlessness and evil. Furthermore, they predict that there will be a great falling away from the things of God. This is known as apostacy. Isn’t it tragic though, that a civilization, an entire continent that once knew God and decided to turn away from Him is now named after a princess who is raped by a pagan god? So a civilization that once knew God ends up as a civilization of evil. A case of abduction and seduction. And how did that come about? An entire continent that used to be the center from where the word of God was being disseminated to the world chose to reject God in favor of other ideologies and deities. As Europe turned away from God it got abducted by other gods and ultimately got seduced by the pagan gospels of communism, gods of humanism, of fascism and the gospel of Nazism. And as in the case of ancient Israel the god to which the nation turned, Baal, assumed the form of a bull. It is the same satanic principality seeking to convert an entire country first and then later a whole continent away from God. As Israel rejected God, it was defeated by its enemies the Assyrians first and then the Babylonians. And the lesson we learn with Europe? An entire continent rejected God and produced more destruction than any other civilization in human history; two world wars with the first one killing 20 million people and the second claiming over 40 million lives. When you depart from the light, the darkness will abduct you. And today Europe is more secular than ever before. Yes there are religious people and Christianity is still the dominant faith but there has been a dramatic decline in professing believers in the past five decades. Many in Europe have turned to Atheism or Agnosticism.

Another version of Europa riding the bull also erected outside the European Parliament in Strasbourg. This is another prophetic harbinger.

Mystery Babylon the Great (Mother of Harlots)

Many bible scholars believe the harlot in Revelation is a symbol of the apostate church or a false religion pretending to be Christianity. Remember in bible prophecy, a woman represents the Church also referred to as the pure bride of Christ. Or she is a symbol of Israel or of the apostate church or the wicked, false system of Babylon depending upon context or a false religion pretending to be Christianity. A good case in point; where the Harlot appeared as the apostate church, she surfaced in the early church in Corinth with members practicing sexual immorality which was strongly condemned by the apostle Paul (1 Corinthians 5). In the 3rd century she took over Rome and changed Christianity into the cult that it has become within the Roman Catholic and positioning the Pope on a par with the Lord Jesus Christ. In the 17th and 18th hundreds she spawned more cults in the form of Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Christian Science and spiritism. She is Mystery Babylon the Whore mentioned in Revelation 17, a prostitute that has infiltrated Christianity. She is the Jezebel spirit in the church, the very opposite of the true bride of Christ.

The beast that the Woman rides has 7 heads and 10 horns. The 7 heads could denote forms of government or 7 kings.

The ten horns are ten kingdoms that broke away from the disintegration of the Roman Empire:

I. Visigoths – Spain

II. Anglo-Saxons – England

III. Franks – France

IV. Alemanni - Germany

V. Burgundians – Switzerland

VI. Lombards – Italy

VII. Suevi – Portugal

VIII. Heruli – Rooted out

IX. Ostrogoths – Rooted out

X. Vandals – Rooted out


In the second and final part of the blog, we will look at the harbingers of Europe and the key events that have happened as a preamble to the coming of the AntiChrist. We will show you among other things how Google and Apple fulfil bible prophecy and appear in the book of Revelation. Could these powerful tech giants be a part of the grand plan of the Babylonian system , a new centralized world order with one person at the helm, the AntiChrist controlling the whole earth?

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