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In part one of this blog, I spoke about the two harbingers that Israel experienced as a result of its apostacy during the time of King Ahab and Jezebel. I then went on to show the link between those harbingers and the ones America experienced. These patterns reflect exactly what the bible says in Ecclesiastes that nothing is new under the sun. If you want to know how God will fulfill prophecy in the future examine closely how He has fulfilled prophecy in history. This then explains why if we look closely at events taking place in Europe today we can extrapolate previous prophetic cycles in the bible such as what happened at the Tower of Babel and superimpose them over current events to predict more or less what will happen in the future. The bible is very accurate in foretelling the future because God does not want His children to be taken by surprise. A classic example of the brilliance and accuracy of biblical prophecy is Daniel’s interpretation of King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream explained in Daniel chapter two. That explanation of the king’s dream laid the foundation for what has transpired in history and part of it is unfolding now before our own eyes. And yes, parts of it are yet to be fulfilled. Daniel told the king that in his dream he saw a huge statue of a man. The head and neck was gold (Babylonian Empire), the chest was silver (Persian Empire), the thighs were brass (Greek Empire) Legs were Iron (Roman Empire) and feet a mixture of clay and iron which are fragments of the collapsed Roman Empire (Current European Union). This prophecy foretold by Daniel thousands of years prior to fulfillment, underlines God as the Supreme Being who knows the end from the beginning and indicates that the Supernatural was at play in the life of Daniel. The feet of clay and iron is where history is today. The present day Europe is a combination of strong nations like Germany England, Spain and France depicted as Iron and the clay speaks of the weaker ones, Greece, Portugal, Andora and Lichtenstein.


The Harbingers Of Europe And The Antichrist

The story of the Tower of Babel is found in Genesis eleven. It follows the global destruction caused by the flood of Noah which was God’s judgment on a rebellious and evil world. The tower speaks of mankind’s obstinance and defiance of God’s ways. It typifies man’s way of saying to God; 'we will construct a structure that will be able to withstand the next flood, a tower that reaches out into the heavens where no waters can ever touch us. Please note that these people were not stupid. By reaching out into the heavens, is not implied the idea that they would erect a tower that would physically touch heaven where God resides. These were descendants of Noah so they understood spiritual things. In some sense it should be understood to mean trying to reach heaven via shrines, crystals and other occultic activity. In the process, “make a name for ourselves”. Notice what the scriptures says:

4 And they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.” Genesis 11 v 4

The tower became a symbol of sin and rebellion against God and God came down and confused the language of mankind. God had instructed mankind to fill the earth and be scattered across it. Building a city was therefore an act of rebellion. Most wickedness and evil often comes from the cities. The city and tower were the brainchild of Nimrod who is an early picture of the Antichrist. Nimrod built quite a few cities not just Babylon and he became a king. It is believed he was worshipped and realized his ambition of wanting to make a name for himself. In his time, people worshipped him instead of God hence he earned the title of the first Anti-Christ. According to some scholars, the name Nimrod comes from the Hebrew root word marad which means to rebel or we will rebel. Notice what the scripture says;

they had one language and one speech” (gen 11 v 1)

And God was not pleased with the reason for which they united to build the tower and the city. They wanted to make a name for themselves, and they built the tower as an act of defiance against God’s flood. The verse continues;

6 And the Lord said, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them. 7 Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.” 8 So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city. Genesis 11 v 6-8

None of what was being done by these people was for the glory of God, it was for the glory of men. In the first paragraph of this blog, I pointed out that I was concerned by the fact that the European Union headquarters in Strasbourg is designed like the tower of Babel. If building a modern day tower of babel was not bad enough, how about the fact that there is a board next to the building that unashamedly states;

“Europe many tongues one voice”.

Once again, we see that in that mantra, is a direct expression of defiance to what God did in Genesis eleven when He confused their language to produce many tongues and disrupt their evil program. Therefore, in essence, the retort of the European Union is, yes you may have caused many languages but we will come out stronger and more united; we may have diverse languages but we speak with one voice. To me, that is a harbinger. A prophetic sign of impending catastrophe as we have seen in the foregoing passages. Scripture says in Ephesians 6 v12:

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

The rebellion is demonically inspired so that it controls the sons of disobedience. Coming back to Europa from where the name Europe was conceived. Consider some of the places where her image of the woman riding the bull appears:

Ø 1945 on a 5 Deutche Mark Bank note in Germany

Ø 1979 on a painting on the Berlin wall in Germany

Ø 1984 on a British stamp commemorating the 2nd European parliament elections

Ø 1992 on a German EQ coin (the currency prior to the Euro was called the EQ)

Ø On a painting at the airport lounge in Brussels

Ø On a German telephone card

Ø On the back of a 2 Euro coin in Greece


If you are not saved, the above and what I'm about to say now ought to worry you and get you thinking. None of this is by coincidence. Not too many people know about CERN - Counseil European pour la Recherche Nucleaire or in English The European Organization For Nuclear Research. Its logo is 666! For those who don't know 666 is the signature or symbol of the Beast or Anti-Christ prophesied in Revelation and Daniel. CERN is also the birthplace of the World Wide Web. What is its mission? To uncover what the universe is made of and how it works. This organization operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world. They built what is called the Hadron Collider at a whopping US$4.75 billion. It consists of a 27 km ring of super conducting magnets with a number of accelerating structures to boost the energy of the particles along the way. Without wanting to get too technical, the collider is designed to replicate the big bang, which is the event that secular scientists believe started the universe. The big bang is meant to disprove the existence of God. There are some biblical sceptics who maintain that the scientists do not fully understand the ramifications of what they are doing. That they are opening a can of spiritual worms that they won’t be able to contain. Some bible scholars posit the idea that CERN’s project among other things is creating a “portal to hell”. It is significant to note that the headquarters of CERN is in a town called Appolion which in Roman times was the sight of the temple of Apollo the god of the underworld. And CERN is built on the same sight. My view is that there may be something dark and sinister about what is happening at the organization. Significantly, the Apostle John the revelator says in Revelation 9 v 1 to 2;

Then the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen to earth from the sky, and he was given the key to the shaft of the bottomless pit.[a] 2 When he opened it, smoke poured out as though from a huge furnace, and the sunlight and air turned dark from the smoke.

Remember the Hadron Collider is built underground in a tunnel or shaft for a distance of more than 27 km. And it is designed to replicate the big bang. Could this not be the huge furnace that John saw in Revelation 9? I believe it is.

In England there is a new monarchy without a Queen. It is important that the new King who has replaced the Queen is a globalist, open to a world order that could see Europe being led by one leader as envisaged in Revelation. Europe already has one currency, the Euro and everything is moving at breakneck speed towards the setting up of a world system governed by one man. And the bible says in the last days the world will look to one man to solve the problems of the world. We already have a Universal technology system that facilitates artificial intelligence brains -Google. Google is a portal to knowledge. Of what? Good and evil. Consider the original logo of Apple – it was about the bite of the forbidden fruit of knowledge of good and evil. Examine the logo of Google Chrome and you’ll see that it consists of three sixes that make up a circle in green, red and yellow. And 666 in Revelation is the number of the Beast or Anti Christ.

The Apple Logo - The bite of the forbidden fruit

The Google Chrome Logo - 666 The Mark of the Beast (The AntiChrist)

The Rise Of Anti-Christ In Europe

Let me warn you that things are going to get progressively worse as we approach the end of the age. The Russia – Ukraine war is a case in point. Relations between nations are at an all time low. There has never been a time when the threat of a nuclear war has ever been so high since the Cuban missile crisis of 1963. Food prices have soared. The price of oil has risen to astronomic proportions, we have seen natural disaster after natural disaster. Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Hurricanes, Blizzards, Wars and now famines arising out of the Ukraine situation. More recently, we experienced the Covid 19 pandemic. This is setting the scene for the emergence of the Anti-Christ. Why do I say that? Well, everything is a repeat of what has been. Hitler was a type of the Anti-Christ. What were the conditions that led to the rise of Hitler and the Nazis before the second World War? Germany had lost the first World War and the League of Nations (United Nations of the time) held Germany responsible and imposed reparations on it. There was hyper inflation in Germany, national confidence had plummeted, the economy was in depression and so were the people. A general state of gloom and despair hung over the nation. Enter Hitler the gifted orator and politician. He mesmerized the nation with promises to make Germany the powerful nation that it once was. In a country that was bereft of hope and national self-confidence Hitler sounded reasonable and patriotic. He gradually and carefully wove his evil doctrine into his speeches and finally convinced a desperate nation to buy into the wicked and satanic philosophy of his Nazi party that all their problems were caused by the Jews. In the same way, with the grim picture that prevails today and things getting worse by the day, the economic woes of the world spiraling out of control, military alliances building up for a nuclear confrontation , the threat of famine on a global scale looming ever so close, the world will be eagerly waiting for someone to arrive on the scene with answers. The Anti-Christ will be the perfect antidote for the world’s misery and hopelessness. He will appear to have good will, a loving person, attractive, charismatic, seemingly tolerant of everybody, caring and embracing everyone, Jew, Gentile and Muslim. According to scripture, his aim will be to unite everyone into one world religion.


My aim in this blog has been to warn people about the coming Anti Christ. It has also been to reveal the harbingers that point to the coming judgments of God upon a rebellious world as predicted in Daniel and Revelation and termed “The Great Tribulation”. In America there's a popular saying, "if it ain't broke don't fix it". Well, I suppose the devil uses the same principle to implement his evil plans. The method used to bring paganism into Israel is the method used to bring paganism into modern day America. And of course, Europe is no exception.

Jesus taught the following parable to His disciples about evil spirits and I think it’s very pertinent to our modern culture and civilization.

“When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none.44 Then he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when he comes, he finds it empty, swept, and put in order.45 Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first. So shall it also be with this wicked generation.” Matthew 12 v 43-46

What did He mean and how does it relate to Europe, America and Israel? An unclean spirit leaves his host whom he possessed and goes and looks for rest. The man is delivered from that foul spirit. The foul spirit goes to dry places, like a desert, finds no rest and decides to return to its previous "house" the man it was cast out of and finds the "house" swept clean and empty. Encouraged by the new clean condition of the man, the spirit goes and recruits seven other spirits more wicked than itself and they take possession of the man and his new condition becomes worse than before. While the parable could apply to an individual, and has often been understood as such, its more accurate application is greater than that. It is an analogy that teaches an important principle and gives a prophetic warning. What Jesus was actually prophesying about is contained in verse 45 where it says: "And the last state of the man is worse than the first. So it shall also be with this wicked generation." Thus the parable is not really about individual possession but about the possession of an entire culture, a civilization, a generation. Significantly, the principles revealed here apply to Western civilization as a whole. across the ages and well into our modern age. The Roman Empire and Western civilization were like a house of spirits. A civilization possessed of evil gods and spirits. Then came the Word of God and the Spirit of God and the gospel. Thereafter Western Civilization was cleansed of and set free from the possession of the spirits and evil gods. As in the parable the civilization was set in order and exorcised of its demons.

The house that is cleansed and put in order but remains empty (not filled with the word, prayer, worship exalting of Jesus) will be repossessed. Unfortunately, if it gets repossessed, it will end up in a worse state than before. Let’s now consider what this would look like if applied to an entire nation or civilization. In the case of Western Civilization how would this happen? How would the gods and evil spirits gain re-entry into a house from which they had been evicted? Only if the Gospel, the Word of God and Jesus are abandoned and discarded. Remove God and that which was responsible for the casting out of those devils will no longer be there to protect the civilization. The gods and unclean spirits will return when the society turns away from God.

A pre-Christian world may produce a Nero (One of the worst Roman Emperors in terms of Christian persecution) but a post-Christian world will produce a Hitler. A pre-Christian world may spawn barbarism but a post-Christian world will birth Communism and Nazism. A pre-Christian World may erect an altar of human sacrifice (Baal worship) but a post-Christian world will build Auschwitz. One of the most dangerous things a civilization or a nation can do is to turn away from God after it has been exorcised of evil spirits, of idol worship and of paganism. When that happens the gods will return with a vengeance and turn it once again into a pagan nation. We are watching this unfold before our very eyes in America. And we are witnessing Europe awaiting its worst judgment predicted in Daniel and Revelation with the introduction of the Anti-Christ which will follow the Rapture of the Church. Are you ready for the Rapture? Have you given your life to Jesus? Everything is moving so fast and the bible is proving itself to be the unadulterated word of God. Prophecies are being fulfilled with pinpoint accuracy and that ought to give Christians hope, comfort and confidence that Messiah will soon be coming to take us home.

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