In part 2 of the blog, I covered the significance of foundations within the context of a nation that is operating under God's judgment. A foundation can mean; the date when something first came into existence or the place where it came into existence. We learnt from the scriptures that when God unleashes His judgment on a rebellious nation, its foundation gets exposed. Thus we discovered that Boston is where the Puritans anchored their ship as they landed in the new world from England many centuries ago. Mysteriously, this is where the planes used by the terrorists to attack New York's twin towers launched their attacks from.
Then we saw how the calamities that have befallen Israel through the centuries up to our present age all seem to have happened on the same date, the 9th of Av. What is the probability that these events were all coincidences? This peculiar phenomenon has not occurred to Israel alone but America too has experienced it. Long before 9/11 became a tragic date in America's history, it was actually the birth day of New York and America. In previous blogs, I showed how America and Israel have an "umbilical cord" connecting the two countries spiritually. Ancient Israel was established by God to bless the nations of the world and America is a modern day Israel. Sadly, at the height of its success Israel forgot the God who had blessed it and He judged the nation using a powerful pagan nation called Babylon. Similarly, America's success went to its head and it has kicked God out of its existence attracting the wrath and judgement of God in the process. Fierce Islamic, suicide fundamentalists attacked America on 9/11. And the bible sets out a principle or pattern by which we can tell when a nation is undergoing God's judgement. Moses prophesied that if Israel rebelled against the God of its fathers, the enemy would destroy the nation by striking at its gates, towers and walls. And once those three elements had been breached its foundations would be exposed. Intriguingly, on 9/11, the terrorists' modus operandi ticked all the boxes.
PART 3: Is there a link between 9/11 and Covid 19
Something quite significant had happened in the days prior to the Covid 19 plague breaking out for the first time. New York had introduced a law legalizing abortion up until the stage of a woman giving birth. (If this is not legalized murder then I don't know what is). And what is troubling was that the introduction of the law was met with pomp and ceremony. In that same year in which the law was passed, 2019, the plague would begin. And it was named after the year in which it started. Covid 19. In ancient Israel, under King Ahab and Queen Jezebel the nation had adopted the practice of child sacrifice and as a result incurred the punishment of God. Prior to Judgment being poured out on a defiant and stubborn Israel, God sent the prophet Jeremiah to warn the nation of impending judgement. The shakings or warnings started in 605 BC with the attacks and destruction of the Temple of Solomon (the very first temple) in Jerusalem. The Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar led the invasion. This assault was designed (by God) to provoke the conscience of Israel to repent and go back to God. But alas, Israel was too deeply entrenched in sin to even realize that God’s judgment was calling it back to righteousness. The result was that 19 years later, in 586 BC, a second offensive completed the destruction of Jerusalem and the remaining Israelites were carted off into slavery by the Babylonians. What is the parallel with America? The first warning of imminent judgment in America came in 2001 on 9/11. Nothing is unimportant in the bible and numbers have meaning. 19 speaks of judgment. If you count 19 years from 2001 you get to 2020 and it was in 2020 that Covid 19 became not just an American problem but a global pandemic necessitating the need for a hard lock down throughout the earth. The entire world came to a standstill under the fury of a pandemic with historic implications. Is it a coincidence, that in Jeremiah chapter nineteen, the prophet speaks of a plague which would strike in the nineteenth year (following the first shaking) and in our time that plague would bear the name nineteen? But wait there’s more.
In Tophet, where children had been sacrificed to Molech in ancient Israel, Jeremiah was instructed by God to take a potter’s earthen vessel (made of clay) and smash it to the ground to symbolize the demolishing of the city that was about to happen in judgment.
Jeremiah 19 Thus says the Lord: “Go and get a potter’s earthen flask, and take some of the elders of the people and some of the elders of the priests. 2 And go out to the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, which is by the entry of the Potsherd Gate; and proclaim there the words that I will tell you.
Jeremiah 19 v 6…and they shall bury them in Tophet till there is no place to bury.
And in the ancient paradigm, the deaths in Israel that resulted from the judgment of parents who sacrificed their children to Molech mounted to the level where there was no more place to bury the dead. If New York City corresponds with Tophet, we can expect that the number of deaths arising out of the plague would be so huge that the morgues and funeral homes would not be able to accommodate them. And that is exactly what happened. When there was no place to bury the dead anymore in and around New York, they took the corpses to Hart Island. Jeremiah’s prophesy was linked to the potter and the Valley of Hinnom and Tophet is identified as being near the Potter’s Gate which is linked to the Potter’s field. What comes next is quite chilling. When the dead were moved to Hart Island because there was no burial space in New York City, they were taken to a ground whose name is…….wait for it……..
Potter’s Field.
The dead were buried in the field of the potter. If you think that is intriguing, there’s still more. As Jeremiah is tormented by the weight of it all, the judgment of Israel and the calamity that had befallen it, he says this as he weeps for his nation in chapters seven and eight;
Jeremiah 8 v 22 Is there no balm in Gilead, Is there no physician there? Why then is there no recovery for the health of the daughter of my people?
In the above scripture, the prophet cried out a lament that reflected the pain of a nation. He was also crying out for healing and appealing for a cure. In the midst of the misery and suffering no cure seemed to be in sight. There was no hope for the nation. And what was the balm of Gilead? Gilead was a place in Israel where a healing substance was found. A powerful medicine known for its curative ability.
Likewise, in the midst of a pandemic that wreaked havoc in America, the President, Congressmen and women implored the Pharmaceutical industry to urgently find a cure for the virus. As the plague continued to leave hundreds dead in its wake, the nation put pressure on the medical sector to find a medicine, a vaccine, a cure for this invisible enemy of mankind. It wasn’t until late April 2020 that a Biopharmaceutical company presented an antiviral medication that it claimed had shown promising signs of success after subjecting it to vigorous tests. After a short while, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an emergency statement giving the company approval to distribute the medication nationally, what was the name of the company?
GILEAD. Full name Gilead Sciences. America placed its hopes in the hands of a literal balm of Gilead. My friends, what are the odds that these all happen to be coincidences?
Bible page found at ground zero
A very strange and mysterious thing happened at ground zero when rubble was being cleared out of the area where the twin towers once stood. The sight was cordoned off and marked as a no go area for reporters, news media personnel and so on. But a certain photographer had obtained special permission from the sight supervisor to take footage and pictures of the remains of the World Trade Centre and images that would be news worthy. He was also reporting on the heroic work that had and was being done by rescue workers there. Standing at the edge of a cement barrier at night time he noticed some charred papers at the barrier’s edge. Upon close inspection, he realized that the charred papers included a page from the scriptures. The bible it had been torn off of was missing. No sooner had he started to record than he was being called to come out to make way for special emergency teams that had arrived. So he quickly took some footage of certain images including the page from the bible but he couldn’t take the physical page with him. Later that evening when he got home, he began to examine the page from the bible with the aid of a magnifying glass. What he read shocked him. He broke down and wept. It was a scripture that spoke of a tower. A tower that was built for the pride of humanity. The tower of Babel. So in the ruins of the twin towers was a word that spoke about the Tower of Babel. The Tower of Babel explains the origins of the multiplicity of languages. Human beings were diverse in color and so on but they spoke one language. And as a fallen race of people, the unity brought about by the single language they spoke caused them to develop pride. The Tower was an action of defiance against God. God caused the flood as punishment for the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah and as a means to wipe out the Nephilim. In answer to that, humans decided to build a Tower that no flood would destroy and in which they would take refuge. They also wanted to get to heaven without God. The scripture says:
Genesis 11 v 4 : They said “Come let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let’s make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.”
There was nothing inherently wrong with building this monument per se. But the idea of doing it so that is gave them self-worth and a sense of identity was morally and spiritually wrong. Ultimately it led them to dispense with God. This is where humanism comes from, when humans think everything revolves around themselves. It is a form of idolatry. Man became the measure of all things. The World Trade Centre twin towers, embodied the coming together of the world and a tower that epitomized the arrogance of man. Yet it is important to mention that the scripture on that page spoke of God’s judgment upon the builders of the Tower of Babel. Therefore if America was modelled after Israel, and it was established to venerate, believe in and walk according to God’s statutes then as it departs from the ways of the God who blessed it, it can expect to be judged in the same way that Israel was judged in ancient times.
So why should anyone care about all this? Why is it important? What are the implications if I decided to live my life how I want to live it and ignore the warning signs? Everything I have written in this blog is true and you are welcome to verify and fact check all the incidence recorded here the dates the biblical narrative and so on. Much of what I have learnt and then written in this blog regarding prophetic cycles and patterns is from Perry Stone (Manna Fest) and Rabbi Jonathan Cahn (Hope of the World Ministries). The revelation contained in Rabbi Cahn's book The Harbinger is especially mesmerizing if not awe-inspiring.
Why should anyone care? If it is true that what is unfolding in America follows a pattern and the model is Israel, then it means that the bible is true. If the bible is true then America stands at the precipice of a colossal judgement proportionate to the destruction of both the city of Jerusalem and the 2nd temple of Israel at the hands of the Romans in AD70. Everything until now has followed with precision the script in the bible. The only way to stop the judgement of God is for the nation of America to humble itself and repent and call for revival. America MUST go back to recognizing that it is where it is because God blessed it. God needs to be reinstated in the center of its life.
Why is it important? If the bible is true, then it means we are not here by accident. Human beings were created by God for a reason. There is a purpose to life. We need to be living our lives according to God's prescribed way in order to fulfil our purpose. Life is a gift from God and each of us will give an account to our Creator of how we lived our lives. As a person, do you think there is value, meaning and purpose to your life? Or is there no rhyme or reason to your existence?
What are the implications if I decided to live my life how I want to live it and ignore the warning signs? Jesus warned of Jerusalem's destruction 40 years before it happened. Israel's stubbornness resulted in total demolition of the capital and enslavement of its people. These are the natural consequences of rebelling against God. Listen carefully to what Paul says to you and I:
1 Corinthians 10 v 11 "1 Now [b]all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our [c]admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come."
The things that happened in the old testament are meant to teach and warn us of the God of Israel. He always warns his people when they rebel and grants sufficient time for repentance. He is the one who freed them from the shackles of slavery in Egypt but He is also the same God who destroyed some of them in the wilderness because of disobedience and unbelief. This is because He is the God of mercy and justice. If America returns to God in repentance and revival, He will withdraw judgment. But if the nation ignores the 9/11 warnings and the 2020 Covid 19 outbreak, then humanity is poised to witness the tragic downfall and calamitous judgement of the most successful nation in all of history. But remember these are the natural results of rebellion. And they will look like child's play when we consider the eternal outcome of willful disobedience towards God.
Ultimately, after this life on earth is over we will have to give an account to the giver of life of what we did with the life that He gave us. Did we squander our lives on selfish living or did we live according to the mission that He gave us? If there is life after death which I believe there is because Jesus died and rose from the dead, then eternity beckons for everyone that ever set foot on this earth. The question is where will you spend that eternity, in the presence of God or in that abhorrent place called hell?
Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below, whether in agreement or disagreement, all are welcome.