Jezebel a picture of Hillary Clinton
She was born as a Phoenician, a Canaanite. Her father Ithobaal murdered the Phoenician king Phelles and became king in his place. That means she became a Phoenician princess. She was named Izevel. To us, in the 21st century, she is known as Jezebel. Omri, the king of Israel, sought to strengthen alliances with neighboring countries in order to secure Israel’s borders, so he struck an agreement with Ithobaal which resulted in Jezebel being given in marriage to Ahab, the son of Omri who was a prince at the time.
Jezebel came from a cosmopolitan culture where they worshipped many Gods. So when she went to Israel to be the nation’s future queen, she would attempt to transform Israel into the image of Phoenicia. Israel’s culture was founded on holiness and isolated from the ways of the other nations. Jezebel’s view of Israel was that it was old fashioned, backward and insular. She saw herself as a vehicle of enlightenment. She represented values that would war against the biblical and traditional values at the heart of the nation. Jezebel venerated the female principle, a principle that seeks to take on traditionally masculine roles and functions. Now let’s compare with the antitype, Hillary. Hillary Rodham was born in Chicago a cosmopolitan city with a culture that was totally different to that of Arkansas where Bill Clinton was raised. Bill was raised in a God fearing home environment. The culture in Hope, Arkansas where he grew up was anti-cosmopolitan which seemed quite backward to Hillary when she joined him after they got married. Her femininity was fierce and combative just like that of Jezebel. She even refused to take Bill’s last name after marrying him. She refused to do so in his first term as governor of Arkansas. It was only after he lost his bid for re-election that she succumbed to the idea of accepting the Clinton name because of political ambitions and how people were looking at her with suspicion. At one point she once proclaimed “the future is female”. ‘Many who knew her well admitted that Hillary had an aversion to accepting the standard functions of first lady and what many believed to be her disparagement of the role of wife.’
Ancient Child Sacrifice a symbol of Abortion in the modern era
In the template of Jezebel, she was especially central to the killing of children in the altars of Baal. Likewise in America, Hillary Clinton was linked to the act of killing children in abortion. Hence Queen Jezebel was never fully trusted by the majority of her subjects. And for those who remained faithful to the ways of God, Jezebel’s impact on the nation’s culture would be seen as a dangerous one especially because it set the nation at war with God. Conversely, Hillary would never be fully trusted even by many of those who agreed with her agenda. In the eyes of many Americans, Hillary’s motives and ambitions would always be treated with suspicion.
The reign of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel would be unlike any other the nation had ever seen. Jezebel was dissatisfied with just being the king’s wife or just playing a traditional supporting role. She would push to be co-regent with the king. And she got what she desired. This was a first in the history of Israel. Jezebel would co-lead the country with her husband. It was clear that Jezebel dominated her husband Ahab and proded, incited and stirred him up to her agenda. This same dynamic repeated itself in the lives of Bill and Hillary. The reign of Bill and Hillary was a co-presidency and was labeled as such at the time. Hillary had been called “the power behind the throne”. Those closest to the two reported that there was never a major decision made without her and rarely if ever did they witness the president over-ruling her.
Jezebel saw the conservative ways of Israel as backward, the worship of an invisible God contemptible and the fact that the nation believed in one God would have been viewed with incredulity. So she had brought her own people from Phoenicia. The bible calls them the prophets of Baal. As it was with Jezebel, so it would be with Hillary. She brought her own team into the Whitehouse. The section of the Whitehouse under her control (the West wing) earned the title “Hillary land”(Amy Chozick,”Sara Erman, Outspoken feminist with deep ties to Clintons, dies at 98.” New York Times, June 3, 2017,
Of course as a Queen, Jezebel would have had those who took care of her personal needs, her armor bearers, eunuchs and servants. And on the spiritual side Jezebel’s religious practices are described in the bible as involving sorcery and consulting familiar spirits. The chief Phoenician god was Baal and his wife was the goddess Astarte or Ashtoreth as she was known among the Hebrews. Jezebel’s father was high priest of Astarte so her worship of these gods would have been entrenched. And the Queen had brought into Ahab’s palace non-biblical spiritual leaders as ministers and counselors. Would anything so deeply occultic have happened in our modern day to match Jezebel’s wicked practices? You bet it did. Hillary invited spiritual leaders who were not just non-biblical but anti-biblical. They were new age spiritualists who ministered a form of paganism. One of these leaders was Jean Houston, a world renowned new age spiritualist. Houston would minister to Hillary a form of spirituality involving talking to familiar spirits in which the “first lady would go into something of an altered state of consciousness and speak as the departed. One of those she gave voice to was the long-departed first lady Eleanor Roosevelt”. (
All this, serves to show that the Hebrew bible is truly the word of God.
I now will introduce to you a very condensed form of how Jonathan Cahn reveals how the future is hidden in past characters and events.
The Assassination of Ben Hadad as a picture of the assassination of Bin Laden.
The events leading up to the assassination of Ben Hadad are quite intriguing. As are those leading up to Bin Laden’s death. In the ancient template the bible tells us the plans of Ben Hadad to attack Israel were being divinely revealed to the prophet Elisha (2 Kings 6 v 11-12). And the events that preceded Ben Hadad’s assassination emanated from the nation of Israel. Curiously, Osama Bin Laden, was just as concerned that the words he spoke might be picked up by his enemies so much that he never used cells phones or internet communication. In the modern case, information about Bin Laden’s whereabouts was gathered by Intelligence, through the gaining of knowledge that would have otherwise remained a secret. Ben Hadad’s end would come through a messenger, his own, by the name of Hazael (2 Kings 8 v 8). Conversely, intelligence agents of the CIA and FBI who interrogated countless Al Qaeda operatives consistently received information about a man trusted by Bin Laden who worked as his courier. Surveillance teams then started tracking this courier down and intercepting communication between him and his family and anyone he was in contact with. Ten years after masterminding the bombing of the twin towers, the most wanted terrorist in history was finally located in a heavily guarded compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. It was Osama’s own courier who, without even knowing it, led the US marines who had been keeping a close watch on him for months, to Bin Laden’s bedroom where he was assassinated. Three thousand years ago, Ben Hadad who was sick at the time of death was killed by his courier in his own bedroom. In the antitype of the ancient story, Osama Bin Laden was assassinated in his bedroom by a US navy seal who was part of a crack squad of NAVY seals that had flown in with Helicopters and stormed the complex in which Bin Laden lived. Let’s now examine the timing of the assassination. Ben Hadad was killed in the reign of the 2nd king after Ahab’s death. Bin Laden was killed in the 2nd Administration after Clinton had left office. After Clinton came George Bush Jnr, and after President Bush came Barack Obama. Bin Laden’s demise would come during the Obama administration. King Ahab died in 852 BC and Ben Hadad died 10 years after him in 842 BC. (some of this information is not found in the bible but in Jewish commentaries and Jewish history books) Bill Clinton left office in 2001 and Bin Laden was assassinated 10 years later in 2011. King Ahab died three years after the scandal in which Jezebel had murdered Naboth for his vineyard. Bill Clinton left office three years after the exposure of his scandal with Monica Lewinsky.
Barack Obama concealed in a bible character called king Joram.
If the bible template is accurate, then the evil King Ahab would not be replaced immediately by the King who symbolizes Barack Obama. That king was Joram, (also referred to as Jehoram) the second born son of Ahab and Jezebel. Ahab was succeeded by his first born son, Ahaziah, who reigned for an insignificant amount of time. He was replaced by Joram who in every way shape and form exemplifies Barack Obama. Let’s look first at his time on the throne. Joram reigned for twelve years, 2 Kings 3 v 1. Barack Obama’s total time in public office begins in 2004 and ends in 2016. Twelve years. Secondly let’s examine the brief description given of Joram’s nature or character. Joram is described as being different from his father who was very unpredictable and swung from one extreme to the next emotionally. He was of a much cooler temperament as was Obama. He hardly ever showed any public remorse or any form of penitence in moments of failure like his father. Although he knew of God he had no roots at all in the God of Israel and he evidently had no relationship with Him. Joram would continue in the legacy of Ahab and Jezebel. He would pick up from where his parents had left off, completing whatever was unfinished. He would bring to fruition a lot of things that Ahab had tried. He reintroduced and implemented many ungodly laws that were initiated by his parents. In Like fashion, Obama took the baton from Clinton and ran with it. He pushed forward policies that the Clintons had introduced. So everything that was done by Joram to perpetuate the wickedness of Ahab and Jezebel, Barack Obama would also do to perpetuate the wickedness done by Bill and Hillary’s administration. Obama was the first US President to sign into law same sex marriage. He would continually oppose biblical standards and moral values that had been the bedrock of Western civilization for thousands of years. He “redefined the immutable ideals that had guided America for hundreds of years” such as; the sanctity of life, sexuality, Christianity, faith in general, religious liberty, the nature of male and female and many other aspects relating to social and spiritual matters. Although from time to time Joram would invoke the name of God, the ways of God were really alien to him. Joram was never comfortable with the ways of God and he found God’s people at best strange and at worst, saw them as obstacles that were winding the clock of civilization backwards. It is not an overstatement to say during the tenure of Joram as kIng the nation’s conservatives who trusted in the God of Israel faced the worst hostility and persecution in Israel’s history. Joram was known for blaming God whenever Israel was confronted with difficult challenges, example 2 Kings 3 v 13. It was during the Obama years that the marginalization of Christians became especially pronounced. Obama saw God as his opponent and saw God’s servants, those who upheld the laws of God as opponents too. (‘America’s Most Biblically-hostile U.S. President,’ Wall Builders, December 29, 2016, accessed July 3, 2017,
I will just give two examples out of numerous that are recorded of hostility towards God and his followers that were instituted during the Obama administration.
In October 2010, Obama began omitting the word Creator in his quoting of the Declaration of Independence. The omission could not be considered accidental, as he would repeat the omission on no fewer than seven occasions. (Steven Ertelt”President Barack Obama’s Pro-Abortion Record: A Pro-life Compilation,” LifeNews, November 7,2010, accessed July 3,2017,
In January 2012 the administration declared that churches had no First Amendment protection in hiring their ministers, in February the Air Force removed the word God from its rapid capabilities Office patch. In April the Air Force stopped ensuring that Bibles would be available in its lodgings. In May the Obama administration opposed the protection of conscience for military chaplains who could not violate their faith by performing same sex marriages. In June the administration ordered that US military service emblems no longer be allowed to appear on military Bibles. (“Military Logos No Longer Allowed on Troop Bibles,” CBN News, June 14, 2012,
Up to this point I’m sure you’ll agree with me that what we have uncovered is nothing short of uncanny and sinister. Now if the blueprint in the bible has been accurate every step of the way in terms of the biblical characters being a foreshadowing of modern day leaders, then it means there still is another piece of the puzzle that needs to be put in place. We all know that Barack Obama was succeeded in the White House by Donald Trump. Question. Could the bible surprise us once more by unveiling a character with a personality to match? Yes it could. Although the character of Jehu is not covered in extensive detail in the bible, there is still adequate information to reveal a striking match between the ancient prototype and the modern antitype. For an expanded treatment of Jehu’s demeanor one would have to read history books or Jewish commentaries like the Mishnah or Midrash and other bible commentaries. However, a look at 2 Kings 9 v 20 may give us a glimpse into how Jehu’s conduct was generally perceived by those who knew him. To get an idea of the sort of character Jehu the military commander was it may be necessary to look at 3 different bible versions on the verse I’ve given above.
2 Kings 9: 20 The lookout reported, “He has reached them, but he isn’t coming back either. The driving is like that of Jehu son of Nimshi—he drives like a maniac.” NIV (Describing how Jehu drove his chariot)
20 The watchman exclaimed, “The messenger has met them, but he isn’t returning either! It must be Jehu son of Nimshi, for he’s driving like a madman.” NLT
20 So the watchman reported, saying, “He went up to them and is not coming back; and the driving is like the driving of Jehu the son of Nimshi, for he drives furiously!”
After completing a whole term (four years) in the Whitehouse, Donald Trump’s behaviour and conduct is well known throughout the world. Adjectives such as, impetuous, brash, rough, coarse, arrogant, fighter, unpredictable, brutal and brawler were used quite frequently to describe the former US President. And none was an insult or an overstatement. That is how he was. Therefore, the prototype of Donald Trump, Jehu characterized as driving his chariot like a maniac or a madman sums it up quite accurately. Jehu did not possess any qualities that were Godly. On numerous occasions he would boast about himself and he was given to self-promotion. He frequently acted out of impulse with little to no regard of the consequences of his actions. He would act first and think later. Yet God chose him as His instrument of judgment on the house of Ahab and a nation that was on a downward spiral to self-destruction. He was an unlikely and unexpected candidate appointed to overthrow a kingdom that consistently fought against the ways of God. Jehu’s strengths included persistence, courage, tenacity, determination, boldness and daring. His rise to power could not have come at a better time. He was a destabilizer, who could and would shake up the status quo of his day. He embodied the very qualities that were required to retard the accelerated pace of Israel’s apostasy. It doesn’t matter that he wasn’t necessarily a godly man to be used by God to destroy a kingdom that was out of control in its wickedness, it matters that God identified him as a vessel of judgment. Everything I have said regarding Jehu can now be cut and pasted on the person of Donald Trump.
There are many at this point who are asking the question, “can God use a man who has no relationship with Him, who hasn’t served or pursued Him to accomplish His purpose” and the answer is a resounding YES. We are all His creation, good and bad, righteous and unrighteous we were all made for his purposes. In the bible we see King Nebuchadnezzar and King Cyrus being used in the same way as was Jehu. And these latter two, were heathen kings. Donald Trump is not different to those kings.
The switching of allegiances by Jehu was quite dramatic. From one who used to support everything that Ahab and Jezebel stood for including the horrific act of child sacrificing, to something of an archenemy during his race to the throne. Jehu had been anointed to succeed Joram (2 Kings 9 v 1-8) If Jehu was anointed on his way to his ascension to the throne could Donald Trump have undergone anything similar during his race to the Whitehouse? Yes. Donald Trump became the most prayed for and prophesied over presidential candidate since the nation was established. The evangelicals in America took heed of the promises Trump was making that he would restore America as a God fearing nation and reverse Washington’s (Obama’s) wicked acts of state sponsored abortions. They were also desperate for an administration that would reinstate vital statutes that provided for Church ministers’ protection against their conscience in cases where they refused to marry gay people. The hostile Obama government had repealed such laws. In the ancient blueprint, Jehu would come face to face with former Queen Jezebel who was still in the palace influencing and steering the ship now being run by her son Joram in the direction of Godlessness. In the modern scenario, Donald Trump would come face to face with Hillary Clinton in the presidential debates. While Jehu would accuse Jezebel of harlotry and witchcraft Donald Trump would refer to Hillary as “Crooked Hillary” (Jenna Johnson “At Florida Rally, Trump resumes attacking ‘Crooked Hillary Clinton.” Washington Post, September 27,2016.
Starting with Ahab and ending with Joram, Jezebel had managed to remain in the nerve centre of decision making for a period spanning three coronations. And it is arguable that she was the lynchpin of all three administrations. Her downfall would come at the end of the last king’s reign. So too would be the case with Hillary Clinton who stayed in the centre stage of American politics during the rulership of three presidents starting with her husband’s and ending with Barak Obama. It is in the last days of Obama’s reign that Hillary Clinton would be defeated by the outsider, Donald Trump.
God, the creator of the universe is alive and well. This blog serves to reveal the power of prophetic cycles and that the word of God, the Jewish Bible, is the source of all truth.
Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure,’ Isaiah 46 v 9-11
Who else can know the end before it arrives other than the One who created time. God has a bird’s eye view of everything, hence he can tell us what will happen before it does. He lives outside of time and space so He gives us information of the future through His prophets so we can prepare if we are His children. I’m sure you’ll agree this has been a spellbinding revelation. If you think this is heart stopping wait until the next time when I delve into the connection between what you have just read now and the Covid 19 pandemic.