Many people do not understand the concept of Biblical types, shadows, patterns and cycles. As a result they have a very basic understanding of the many layers of wisdom that must be uncovered to gain a richer and deeper comprehension of God’s amazing word.
There is the plain simple meaning of scripture where you read a passage and apply its teachings to your own life or building faith through the promises of God. This is the level at which most pulpits the world over teach. Other spiritual and prophetic applications are missed because those require investments in time, effort and understanding Hebraic levels of hermeneutics (keys or methods of unpacking the Scriptures). For example the insert above is an extract from Perry’s Stone’s book titled Deciphering End Time Prophetic Codes in which he teaches about types and shadows in the bible.
“A type is a person, event or thing designed to represent or picture something else. A shadow is something concealed in the story or narrative that connects the future with past events”. The life of Jacob (see table above) for example reveals how Jacob is a type of Moses. In other words when you hold up the life of Moses against that of Jacob, you see a reflection. And Joseph is a type of Christ in many amazing ways as shown below. There are more than 60 of these parallels, I have just put down a sample of them.
Some people read the bible as a storybook, they don’t study it. But the bible carries divinely inspired writings that have many practical applications. Some of the writings conceal prophetic codes – or bible codes. These are words which emerge in the Hebrew bible when letters are counted at discreet intervals within passages. For example, if you count every 3 or 5 or 7 letters, you discover a code or hidden message. A professor at Hebrew University, Elihu Rips is credited with cracking astonishing encrypted codes which predicted the deaths of John Kennedy, then Prime Minister of Israel Yitzhak Rabin. Professor Rips uses his computer to perform skip letter sequencing (bible coding). Everything from World War 2, to Watergate, to Hiroshima, The Great Depression, the Twin towers of 9/11 and the recent global economic crisis was encoded in the bible. The election of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama as the first black President of the United States are all in the bible.
How Does The Bible Code Work
Rips explained that each code is a case of adding every fifth or seventh or fiftieth letter to form a word.
Now read the same sentence as a four-letter skip code:
Rips ExplAineD thaT eacH codE is a Case Of adDing Every fifth or seventh or fiftieth letter to form a word.
The hidden message - "READ THE CODE".
I'm sure you can now appreciate what is lost when we translate the bible from Hebrew or Greek to English.
So over and beyond patterns and shadows relating to one person foreshadowing another in history there are cases where a person can symbolize an entire nation. For instance the spiritual events and journey of Abraham serve as a pattern that tells us the spiritual future of the nation of Israel. Consider the table below with parallels of Abraham and Israel.
In the same way as what the above types and shadows reveal how one person’s life mirrors another, nations also are shown by the bible to be types of other nations. The United States of America for example is a modern era Israel.
The United States of America’s success as a nation sprang from its roots which are anchored firmly in the Holy scriptures of the Hebrew Bible. America is blessed because it has a covenant with the God of Israel. The Puritans or pilgrims who set sail from England around the 15th and 16th centuries and ended up in the New World which became the USA were spiritually minded, something the current crop of liberal leaders (also called progressives) have ignored or lost. The Pilgrims left England to escape religious oppression by a tyrant king who was forcing them to participate in something they rejected. It is important to note that they did not leave England to flee from religion, THEY WERE SEEKING FREEDOM TO PRACTICE THEIR RELIGION. To this end, 100 pilgrims journeyed by sea from England in 1607 arriving at the shores of the New World and named the place Jamestown. They made a cross and dedicated the land to God. In 1620, on a ship called the Mayflower, the Pilgrims arrived in what is now Provincetown Harbor near, Massachusetts where they wrote a decree called the MAYFLOWER COMPACT. It read:
In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the loyal subjects of our dread sovereign Lord , King James, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland King, defender of the faith et cetera, having undertaken, for the glory of God, and advancement for the Christian faith, and honor of our king and country, a voyage to the Americas. President Harry Truman had this to say: “The fundamental basis of this nation’s ideals was given to Moses on Mt Sinai. The fundamental basis of the Bill of Rights in our Constitution comes from the teachings which we get from Exodus, St Matthew, Isaiah and St. Paul. The sermon on the Mount gives us a way of life and maybe someday men will understand it is the real way of life.” The three main documents formulated by America’s founding fathers; The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and Bill of Rights were based on God’s laws in the Torah (the first five books of the Old Testament) portions of Isaiah and principles in the four Gospels.
Parallels between Israel and America
The table that I’m about to put down will reveal an astonishing if not eerie template or model which happened 3000 years ago yet hidden within it are the events that would repeat in the 21st century. The Old Testament shows this master blueprint that lies behind the events of the modern world. It is a blueprint that foretells the rise and fall of modern leaders and governments. I am in no way claiming any credit for this revelation. I came across it the first time when I read Perry Stone’s book “Deciphering End Time Prophetic Codes” and then it was thoroughly covered by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn in one of his books. For my part, I have been studying patterns and types in the bible for some time and I thank God that the Holy Spirit has helped me see many things hidden beneath the surface of scripture because I have a passion for the deep things of God. The bible is truly God’s word and in it we discover that Old Testament figures hold the mystery behind modern day rulers and leaders with each modern leader having an ancient prototype and each ancient figure having a modern antitype.
Biblical Prototypes vs Modern Day Antitypes
In this section I'm going to do a comparative analysis of 6 biblical figures who lived 3000 years ago who are prototypes of 6 modern leaders. As Joseph was a type or picture of Jesus Christ, these ancient characters (kings, Queens, Priests and Priestesses) are pictures or patterns of present day leaders. The bible says in Ecclesiastes 1 v 9 "That which has been is what will be, that which has been done is what will be done and there is nothing new under the sun." The Apostle Paul wrote the following: "These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the culmination of the ages has come". (NLT) So what you're about to read will not only reveal hidden prophetic mysteries but it will also serve as a warning for us to beware of the consequences of rebellion, the mistakes made in ancient times that resulted in judgment on the nation of Israel and how the same mistakes are playing out in our own lives with potential devastating outcomes for all of humanity. What I'm about to reveal sets the stage for future blogs in which I will reveal the connection between ancient Israel's sacrifices of babies to the pagan god, Baal with the shakings and judgments of God that followed there after. If Israel is the blueprint, then America, would follow the same path. as it was founded by the Puritans to be the Israel of the New World. Could it be that there are modern day practices which mirror the ancient evil ritualistic acts of child sacrifices?
King Ahab vs Bill Clinton
From the time when King Ahab took over from his father King Omri to the time of Ahab's death was exactly 22 years.1 Kings 16 v 29.
Now lets compare and see how long Bill Clinton was in power for before he left public office. When did Bill Clinton first run for the governorship of Arkansas and when did he finally leave the White House after his two terms in office? He was sworn into the office of Governor for the first time in January 1979. The full duration of his political career spans the period January 1979 to January 2001 when George Bush Junior became President. That is twenty two years. The years of the Prototype are an exact match with the years of the antitype
Israel was founded for the will, plans and purposes of God yet a time would come when it would fall away from the prescribed ways of God to pursue idol worship. The worst period of its history was under the reign of Ahab. Likewise America was founded by the Puritans and dedicated to the spreading of God's ways, not just any God but the God of the Hebrews. And it was under Bill Clinton that the apostacy (falling away from God) was at its worst. In the template, Ahab stood at the forefront of a culture war and he would be on the side of the new morality, the side that removed traditional and biblical morality, replacing it with moral relativism and weakening of absolutes. The sacredness of sexuality was no longer respected. The nation became vulgar, profane and debased. Values were redefined to the extent that gender distinctions were now blurred. Ahab became an agent of sexual immorality. Since Ahab was the prototype it follows that Bill Clinton, the antitype would re-trace the exact pattern. Bill Clinton became the first US president in American history to recognize homosexual relationships and sign legislation that ratified their rights in law. He was also the first US president to be exposed in office for committing adultery. As the collapse of the nation from God to idolatry deepened, certain practices that used to be done in the shadows and on the fringes of society started emerging from the sidelines into mainstream society. One that was central was that of Baal, the Canaanite deity that later massively influenced Israel's culture. Now that the nation had departed from the light, darkness began to master them. In the cult of Baal, marriage and sexuality had no absolute value and therefore no absolute sanctity. If nothing was sacred or of any absolute value, neither were the natures and contrasts of male and female. So the first attack was to separate sexuality from marriage and the second was to divorce sexuality from gender and biology. Hence, it came to the point where sexuality was transferred from the bedroom to the realm of popular culture, in public. And this all happened under King Ahab. As it was in the ancient apostacy, so it was under Bill Clinton. A great deal of vulgarity, what used to be vile and taboo became common and acceptable. Now, some of those practices are even enforced by law in our modern culture. Sex is no longer a preserve of the married and done in the privacy of their bedrooms, but it is now on cell phones where anyone, including school children can access X-rated material at their convenience. Sex is also in motion pictures, magazines, popular music, on television and on the internet. One of the worst practices introduced under Ahab with the influence, incitement and prodding of Jezebel was the championing of child sacrifice. Why child sacrifice you ask, because, under the cult of Baal, it was believed that increase and prosperity were preceded by offering up babies to the deity. This in our modern era is nothing more than the establishment of abortion as a right which taxpayers must pay for. Indeed, Bill Clinton signed executive orders for the advancement of abortion not just in the United States but around the world. In the cult of Baal (in Ahab's kingdom) parents would offer up their infants to be burnt alive at the altar of the deity. Similarly, Bill Clinton decreed the most horrific forms of abortion. One of them was called "partial birth abortion". This gruesome type of abortion entailed partial delivery of a baby where much of the baby's body is outside the uterus. The baby is killed by the abortionist in a procedure that involves sucking the baby's brains and collapsing his skull.
The land scandals of Ahab and Bill Clinton
The name Naboth is known mostly by those who are serious about reading God's word not just casual readers. Naboth was murdered by Jezebel for his vineyard which her husband, Ahab coveted. Strangely enough, Naboth means fruits which means the name of the victim is connected to the land that he was killed for. Fast forward to Bill and Hillary's time. They too had a scandal notoriously known as "Whitewater". This involved entering into a partnership called "Whitewater Development Corp" in which land was acquired in the hope of personal profit, but under somewhat illegal means. The partners wound up being convicted of federal crimes and serving jail time but the Clintons escaped without conviction albeit under a cloud of suspicion. Let me remind the reader, this is not about whether the Clintons were guilty or innocent but it is all about the ancient matrix. in 1993 Vince Foster, Clinton's attorney was found dead, in Fort Marcy Park, Virginia. He had been involved in the conveyancing of real estate that later became the focus of the Whitewater investigation. Vince Foster worked with Hillary Clinton in the Rose Law Firm in Arkansas. Although his death was ruled a suicide at the time, many experts and the FBI suspected that it was murder. Not enough evidence was produced that could have led to a conviction of the Clintons. Interestingly, the name Foster, means someone who manages a forest. Thus his name like in the ancient template, is linked to the land over which he had transacted. Whitewater was in actual fact forest land.
One prominent feature that looms large during the reign of Ahab is the constant threat posed by a nation to the east of Israel beyond the Jordan river called Aram Damascus modern day Syria. This kingdom was ruled by a king by the name of Ben Hadad, a man who would issue threat after threat to the safety of Israel. It was by the grace of God that Israel would be spared the full measure of devastation that this evil king was capable of. Since God had a covenant with Israel, He delivered Ben Hadad into the hands of Ahab during one of Ben Hadad's incursions of the nation of Israel. Not only was Ahab's reign going to end but the nation was also set for destruction because Ahab's defiance of God 's instructions involved the entire nation over a protracted period of time. So Ahab's life and reign were for the first time now prophesied. And Ben Hadad would go on to attack Israel once more and bring cataclysmic damage to the capital Jerusalem. If this was the ancient blueprint could there be in our modern time a man that matches the characteristics of Ben Hadad? Is it possible that there is a figure in contemporary history that has manifested the mystery of an ancient king. The answer is yes. His name was Bin Laden. In English the name of Israel's nemesis would be formed by a combination of two middle eastern names and he would come from a nation to the east of Israel. He would issue threats to Israel in a semitic language. Hebrew and Arabic are both Semitic languages. Ben in Hebrew means son and Bin is Arabic also for son. Notice that there are 8 letters in Ben Hadad and also 8 letters in Bin Laden. We all know that Bin Laden was the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks on American soil in 2001. What a lot of people do not know is that just like in the ancient blueprint, where Ahab spurned an opportunity to imprison or kill Ben Hadad once and for all, Clinton had actually had not one chance to destroy Bin Laden but 9 chances! This is a fact that was ascertained by the 9/11 panel set up on November 27, 2002, to specifically investigate events leading up to the attacks of September 11. The panel found that Clinton passed on the opportunities or missed the chances for one reason or another and Bin Laden would slip through their grasp.
The Monica Lewinsky Scandal
King Ahab's reign was characterized by his opposition to God's ways. The worship of Baal, homosexual acts performed in the public and in temples, sex outside of marriage and the sacrificing of children on the fire in order to receive blessings from Baal. As soon as God passed judgment on Ahab through the prophet Elijah, Ahab went on a fast. The God of mercy heard his prayers and deferred the judgment for 3 years. After 3 years the words of the prophet came to pass. King Ahab was killed in battle. And Jerusalem suffered its worst attack organized by Ben Hadad. Question? Could there be a parallel in the present day antitype? There certainly is. Ahab's scandal of coveting Naboth's vineyard constituted a violation of the 10 commandments of which the Levites were custodians. The scandal becomes two pronged in Bill Clinton's case. There is the Whitewater forest land scandal and then the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal. The Monica Lewinsky scandal broke in January 1998. At first Clinton vehemently denied having sex with the Whitehouse intern, then 9 months later he repented and confessed to the nation and asked for forgiveness. Similar to Ahab's fast and prayer to God for forgiveness. In the same way, God held back judgment for 3 years as He had done in Ahab's situation. Clinton's public apology came in September 1998 and 3 years later, September 2001 judgment came in the form of an attack on American soil by Al Qaeda operatives flying planes into the twin towers. The Levites were the Priestly line in ancient Israel. By breaking the ten commandments and killing Naboth for his land, Levitical laws were transgressed. The 10 commandments are also sometimes referred to as Levitical Laws. So Ahab violated Levitical laws. Any corresponding violations during Clinton's time in power? Lewinsky is a modern rendering of the name Levin which comes from the name Levite. From Levi comes the Jewish name Levin - from Levin comes Lewin - and from Lewin we then get the name Lewinsky. Therefore Monica Lewinsky not only bore the name of the Levites, she is from the tribe of Levite herself. She is a descendant of the tribe of Levi. So there you have it. The fall of Ahab was connected to his breaching of Levitical laws - and in the exact same way, the ultimate fall of Bill Clinton and his impeachment were not only linked to his transgressions of and violation of Levitical laws but involved the desecration of an actual Levite through the act of adultery. It is significant to note that Ahab was in power for 22 years and it was in his 19th year that his Vineyard scandal occurred. Bill Clinton was in public office for a total of 22 years and the Lewinsky scandal was exposed in his 19th year in public office. The judgments on Israel happened after Ahab's death as the prophet had spoken. Conversely America's shakings and calamities happened post the Clinton Administration. Bill Clinton left office in January 2001, and America's crises of 9/11 and financial crises of 2008 struck when Clinton had retired from public office.
The Template of Jezebel
if King Ahab's life was the template that determined what Bill Clinton's life was going to be like, then it follows that Jezebel's life would be the template upon which the life of Hillary Clinton would be traced. Of course what you read in this blog is a very condensed version of actually happened. Jezebel's time on the public stage was thirty six years and so was Hillary Clinton's. Both figures had their times divided up into two stages. The time served whilst running alongside their husbands which in Jezebel's case was twenty two years and the same applies to Hillary. Over and above the time with her husband King Ahab, Jezebel then went on to pursue her own political career on the national stage for a further fourteen years which was divided up into twelve and two years respectively. Hilary's life after Bill was an exact match with that of Jezebel which is quite remarkable.
As I conclude this section of the blog, I have demonstrated the hidden layers in the bible that Hebrew rabbis reveal. I have shown you how individual characters ' lives can mirror a whole nation's purpose and future as was the case with Abraham and Israel. The life of Joseph in Genesis is a picture of the life of Messiah, Jesus. And finally we saw the ancient prototypes of Kings and Queens whose lives provided a template upon which the lives of modern day leaders, (antitypes) could be traced with staggering if not eerie precision. The next part of the blog will look closely at Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama and others and how their lives followed with spellbinding accuracy the patterns laid out by their ancient prototypes.
Striking similarities of Bin Laden and Ben Hadad!Bill Clinton and Ahab!! who will Jezabel and Hilary! This is very interesting!